About Drawingmanager


Drawingmanager is the result of a life-time experience, combined with 9 years of hard work. It’s been a great and challenging journey and we are now happy to present a simple and low cost solution specially designed to find and manage Solid Edge files. Drawingmanager is already in the market and it is currently used by a growing number of companies all around the world.

In Van Abbema Advies we advise our customers on product development and product design methods using the many features Solid Edge 3D CAD offers. And with more than 30 years of experience with drawing file management as Design Engineer and as Engineering Manager, we have developed our best project ever: Drawingmanager.

Van Abbema Advies is a family business founded in 2005 and run by Auke Van Abbema and his son-in-law Arian. Mechanical and Software Engineer, the two heads of the company work together to offer you the latest and simpler technology in file management software.

Van Abbema Advies has been approved by Siemens as a Software and Technology Partner, and we are proud to have them by our side in this ongoing project that we will keep working on to offer you nothing but the best in file management.